phare chassiron vue

History of the lighthouse

On the territory of Saint-Denis d’Oléron, at the northern tip of the island, the Chassiron lighthouse has become emblematic with its black stripes, recognizable from afar, guarding the sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast in Poitou-Charentes. But they didn’t always exist! Thehistory of the Chassiron lighthouse began in 1685 with the construction, under Colbert, of a 30-metre-high sea tower: at the entrance to the Pertuis d’Antioche, its purpose was to guide sailors between the Charente estuary and the Rochefort arsenal.

Nearly two centuries later, the construction of a new lighthouse became necessary due to the increase in sea traffic and the erosion of the cliffs. The 46-metre-high Chassiron lighthouse was built in 1836 and can be seen from afar. It is an effective means of protecting passing ships.

Originally white, the lighthouse was not clad in black lines until the 1920s, in order to enhance its visibility and distinguish it from the grey-clad Baleines lighthouse on the Ile de Ré. The optic was electrified in 1930. The lighthouse continued to be manned until 1998. It is now fully automated.

visiter phare chassiron

Information, prices and opening hours

The Chassiron lighthouse is located 24 km from the Île d’Oléron Made in Camp Le Fief Melin campsite, on the north side of the island, after Saint-Pierre and Saint-Georges-d’Oléron. It is open to visitors every day, mornings and afternoons from March to October, and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. non-stop in July and August. Outdoor guided tours last 2 to 3 hours. Night tours of the lighthouse are only available during the summer months.

  • Access to from the top of the lighthouse costs €3 for adults and €1.50 for children aged 3 to 15.
  • The price for a visit to the museum alone is also €3 full price and €1.50 reduced price.
  • A combined ascent + museum ticket is available for €5 for adults and €2.50 for children.
  • Outdoor and evening guided tours are available for €4 full price and €2 reduced price.
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